This is really frustrating... like others, I have not been able to get this to work. I used carlashley's TCC profile maker from GitHub to push a profile on to our machines with Mojave... still not able to control the screen in Remote Desktop. Used all the links and resources in this thread and tried numerous methods... no luck. Cisco support says there is no fix for this and have no ETA on that. We are stuck as an organization because most of our computers are used by remote workers... so we don't have physical access to these machines to whitelist programs or allow remote access in the settings. We would have to give the admin password out to all our users (Which obviously something that we don't want to do). This is definitely a issue with Mojave update because we have a few machines still on High Sierra - and we are able to use the Remote Desktop feature on Meraki to control their screen. I was thinking about installing a Remote Desktop application on our users machines... but that would require admin privileges to install things and we don't want to give out the admin password. Also, we would have to whitelist that program - which would require admin privileges again, which we can't type in remotely. Has ANYONE successfully gotten by this? We are at the point of just dropping Meraki and going with JAMF... This is outrageous that Cisco support won't even assist me with this issue when I call or open up a ticket.
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