Hello everyone, a few week ago I was wondering if Is there some way to use a google form, and when the client press send for access the network this access to a google sheet and let connect the client devices. Can I do this in the splash page code?
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Well I followed the documents you send me before (sorry for that) I configured a SVI with its IP, gateway, Vlan database, and vlans. But gateway does not respond, and just VLAN 1 works.
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Yes, the SG500 has a port connected to Meraki MS350 in trunk mode with vlan 2 to 18 and 100 allowed. The MS relay to an Active Directory DHCP server. When I ping the gateway (IP from Meraki) cant communicate. Can you explain me the correct configuration and setup?
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Good evening, thank you for let me join this group. I want to connect a Cisco SG500-52p to a Meraki MS350-24, what do I need to configure on the SG500, I dont like the web interface, only CLI please.
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