I am seeing about a 15 second delay passing traffic when Meraki RSTP fails back. I would expect it to be much faster. I have 3 switches setup to form a triangle, two Cisco catalysts and one Meraki. All switches are running RSTP. One of the Cisco’s is the Primary Root bridge, the other Cisco is the Secondary Root bridge. My test machine is connected to the Meraki, and I have a server connected to the Cisco Root. I run a constant ping from the test machine on the Meraki to the server connected to the Cisco Root. If I shut down the designated port on the Cisco Root facing the Meraki, traffic fails over fairly quickly to the backup link. Maybe within 1 second. When I no shut the port, traffic stops passing for about 15 seconds. Is this expected? Why is there such a long delay? The Meraki logs show the port switch to root about 4 seconds after the port is up. But it takes just over 15 seconds for traffic to start passing. As a comparison, I used another Catalyst switch running RSTP in place of the Meraki, and the failback is almost immediate.
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