After some further testing today I have confirmed that the VLAN1 Bonjour forwarding is the cause of my issue. I created another VLAN, VLAN5 to go with my existing VLAN3 and VLAN1. I placed my Airplay device in VLAN5. I set up Bonjour forwarding from both WIFI networks associated with VLAN1 and VLAN3. I could see my Airplay device which was connected to VLAN5 from VLAN3 but not from VLAN1. The conclusion is that Bonjour forwarding doesn't work to or from VLAN1, as per the advisory from Meraki. My original post was requesting advise about changing my network so that I move most devices to another VLAN so thanks to everyone for their advice on how to achieve that. Despite my initial scepticism I now know that making these VLAN changes will fix my problem.
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