Hi, Our company has around 200 branch locations (Including corporate office, small branch offices) in US and we have MR 42's in those locations. Recently our company bought couple of warehouse ( 350 ft x 150 ft ) and height around (25ft -30 ft). The warehouse has motorcycles all over the floor (for auctions). APs will be mounted to the ceilings. Site survey will be done by third party in couple of weeks Warehouse has : 15 laptops with intel 8200 or 9400 wifi cards. 10 - 20 mobile phones 2 video camera (constant streaming to local DVR) - uses 1 mbps traffic per client 3 Audio (speakers) (Need to have good quality) - uses 500 kbps Need to accommodate both 2.4 and 5 clients Based on the requirement, we have decided to go with MR 42E with external antenna (D5 - 45 Degree). On a rough estimate, How many APs do we need? Could you let me know your suggestion on the above requirement, Are we in right path?
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