There are several ways to apply group policies to clients. You might take a look at applying group policies by client: By Client Group policies can be manually applied to clients from the Network-wide > Monitor > Clients page. Check the box next to the desired client(s) in the list. Click the Edit Policy button at the top of the list. Select Group policy and then choose the specific policy in the drop-down. Click Save. Alternatively, on wireless and combined networks, different group policies can be applied depending on the SSID the client is associated to. This is applied from the same page as the previous steps. Check the box next to the desired client(s) in the list. Click the Policy button at the top of the list. Select Different policies by [connection or] SSID. For each SSID, select the desired group policy, built-in policy, or leave as normal. Click Apply policy. Policies can also be applied to individual clients by clicking on the client in the clients list and then choosing a Device policy under the Policy section. Creating and Applying Group Policies
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