hello everyone we want to migrate our cisco switch infrastructure into a meraki infrastructure. But at this moment i can`t authentificate clients or devices by MAC adresse with the ISE 2.4 The client gets from the ISE the right vlan but the switch doesn`t get these information. 11001Received RADIUS Access-Request 11017RADIUS created a new session 11027Detected Host Lookup UseCase (Service-Type = Call Check (10)) 15049Evaluating Policy Group 15008Evaluating Service Selection Policy 15041Evaluating Identity Policy 15013Selected Identity Source - Internal Endpoints 24209Looking up Endpoint in Internal Endpoints IDStore - 48:7A:55:03:FE:81 24211Found Endpoint in Internal Endpoints IDStore 22037Authentication Passed 24715ISE has not confirmed locally previous successful machine authentication for user in Active Directory 15036Evaluating Authorization Policy 15016Selected Authorization Profile - VLAN_242_full-access 11002Returned RADIUS Access-Accept 802.1x works fine with the MS Switches. plz let me now if someone can help me kind regards christian
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