Hi Oren, Sure. As an example PUT https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/organizations/redacted/appliance/vpn/thirdPartyVPNPeers with the following body ``` { "peers": [ { "name": "Test-1", "privateSubnets": [ "" ], "secret": "redacted", "localId": "test-1.local", "remoteId": "test-1.local", "ikeVersion": "2", "ipsecPolicies": { "ikeCipherAlgo": [ "aes256" ], "ikeAuthAlgo": [ "sha256" ], "ikePrfAlgo": [ "default" ], "ikeDiffieHellmanGroup": [ "group14" ], "ikeLifetime": 28800, "childCipherAlgo": [ "aes256", "aes192", "aes128", "tripledes" ], "childAuthAlgo": [ "sha256" ], "childPfsGroup": [ "group2" ], "childLifetime": 28800 }, "networkTags": [ "Test-1" ], "publicIp": "" }, { "name": "Test-1", "privateSubnets": [ "" ], "secret": "redacted", "localId": "test-1.local", "remoteId": "test-1.local", "ikeVersion": "2", "ipsecPolicies": { "ikeCipherAlgo": [ "aes256" ], "ikeAuthAlgo": [ "sha256" ], "ikePrfAlgo": [ "default" ], "ikeDiffieHellmanGroup": [ "group14" ], "ikeLifetime": 28800, "childCipherAlgo": [ "aes256", "aes192", "aes128", "tripledes" ], "childAuthAlgo": [ "sha256" ], "childPfsGroup": [ "group2" ], "childLifetime": 28800 }, "networkTags": [ "Test-1" ], "publicIp": "" } ] } ``` to which the endpoint will respond with a 200 OK and the peers array I sent. Once the duplicate data is in the peers array it will break the response back to terraform with the following error `Error: Duplicate Set Element` You can see the terraform error by doing a simple data lookup ``` data "meraki_organizations_appliance_vpn_third_party_vpnpeers" "example" { organization_id = "redacted" } ```
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