We've got the setup as below; VLAN Management => dhcp on a vm VLAN LAN 1 => dhcp on a vm VLAN LAN2 => dhcp on a vm VLAN Voice => dhcp on a vm Switchpoort where AP is connected to: Trunk native vlan (management vlan) Allowed VLAN (all) => this is working AP: Management vlan with dhcp ip getting from the dhcp server on a VM in de LAN1 => this is working SSID: Employee (Tagged with vlan LAN2 and vlan VOICE) => configured SSID in Bridge Mode and it's working AP is getting ip from the VLAN management, SSID is broadcasting and the users are able to connect to it. After connection there is a delay. Users getting the message that your pc is not connected to internet and the internet symbol does not change. After a minute or two the wifi symbol changes and then it works fine but the question is "Where does this delay come from and how can i get this proces speed up?"
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