Hey, i created a custom template, used the same config for the header and the body without using the below line "X-Splunk-Request-Channel": "XXXXXX" and when i test the webhook it fails. i am not sure why it fails in the liquid header i added the following Key : Authorization value: Splunk {{sharedSecret}} and in the liquid body i used {
"time":{{sentAt | date:"%s"}},
"host": "api.meraki.com",
"source": "{{networkName}}",
"event" : {
"sentAt": "{{sentAt}}",
"organizationId": "{{organizationId}}",
"organizationName": "{{organizationName}}",
"organizationUrl": "{{organizationUrl}}",
"networkId": "{{networkId}}",
"networkName": "{{networkName}}",
"networkUrl": "{{networkUrl}}",
"networkTags": {{ networkTags | jsonify }},
"deviceSerial": "{{deviceSerial}}",
"deviceMac": "{{deviceMac}}",
"deviceName": "{{deviceName}}",
"deviceUrl": "{{deviceUrl}}",
"deviceTags": {{ deviceTags | jsonify }},
"deviceModel": "{{deviceModel}}",
"alertId": "{{alertId}}",
"alertType": "{{alertType}}",
"alertTypeId": "{{alertTypeId}}",
"alertLevel": "{{alertLevel}}",
"occurredAt": "{{occurredAt}}",
"alertData": {{ alertData | jsonify }}
} then at the receiver section i added the url, the token under the shared secret and selected the template i just created.
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