On testing a new reporting script with one of our customer organizations it was failing, but no issue with other organizations I tried it on. I found this call... https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api-v1/#!get-organization-devices-uplinks-loss-and-latency ...returning loss/latency data for an interface on a non-existent device on a non-existent network... {'networkId': None, 'serial': None, 'uplink': 'wan1', 'ip': '', 'timeSeries': [{'ts': '2023-02-01T00:35:29Z', 'lossPercent': 0.0, 'latencyMs': 24.9}, {'ts': '2023-02-01T00:36:30Z', 'lossPercent': 0.0, 'latencyMs': 21.9}, {'ts': '2023-02-01T00:37:30Z', 'lossPercent': 0.0, 'latencyMs': 23.3}, {'ts': '2023-02-01T00:38:31Z', 'lossPercent': 0.0, 'latencyMs': 25.3}, {'ts': '2023-02-01T00:39:30Z', 'lossPercent': 0.0, 'latencyMs': 23.8}]} Now that I know this can happen, I simply added a check to skip any such records, but I'm wondering why it is happening, is it an after effect of a device/network being deleted? Logically it is a bug.
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