Issue reported :
1. while roaming user face latency
Observation on Dashboard:
1. channel utilization goes high (above 55% )
2. latency shown in user performance latency graph
3. time to connect is high as attached photo's
4. 802.1r is enable
wireless controller : cisco meraki cloud , AP- mr56,mr55,mr53
endpoint : Macbook (version 11 and above)
SSID security : PSK+WPA2 (third party - google authentication)
channel width : 40mhz
band: 5ghz
How many SSIDs do you have? Try to read about the best practices:
SSID count : 4
Can I know the above photos why " time to connect " is showing high?
Well, I don't have good experience with 802.11r, some features can cause client connection issues. Try to disable 802.11r and 802.11w, and perform a new test.
Can I know the above photos why " time to connect " is showing high?
Some features can cause client connection issues. Try to disable 802.11r and 802.11w, and perform a new test.
will try and observed the same...