>The non-radius function is great, but we frequently see the need for iPSK in areas like MDU/Schools/Hotels where clients want individual encryption and client segmentation (personal vlan, etc..) and in these scenarios a limit of 50 is WAY to low... we need like 1000+ usually.
I can tell you how I handle these - I used group policy. I either bridge the SSD to a non-existent VLAN, or a VLAN that goes nowhere. You could also bridge it to a VLAN with a "block" group policy applied so it displays a message saying "Contact support on xxx-xxx-xxx to connect this device".
Then I use group policy to override the VLAN and place the device in the actual VLAN I want them to be in.
Splash Access make a great system for both Hotels and schools. The School solution uses IPSK but includes a portal to allow students to self onboard devices (including PS4s, and other devices of theirs).
IMHO, these vertical markets are much better served using specialised solutions like Splash Access, rather than Meraki trying to build in support for every market vertical out there.