Wireless - Laptops ok but mobile phones do not get Internet access

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Wireless - Laptops ok but mobile phones do not get Internet access

Hi. First post, so be gentle.


We have multiple sites using Meraki Wireless but one site is having a strange issue where laptops connect to the AP and can reach the Internet as expected but mobile phones (both Andorid and Apple) do not. The mobiles phones can connect to the AP but can not get Internet access. This issue appears to be affecting all users. Whitelisting a users account makes no difference. The site has operated fine for a long time but users started complaining around Christmas time. Difficulties with Covid and the office being on the other side of the planet have made communication and  troubleshooting slow.

Unfortunately my Meraki skills are a bit weak, but if anyone has experience this or has any ideas on how to trouble.

7 Replies 7
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Phones are on the same SSID and VLAN as laptops?

They get proper IPs?

Can the reach the local status page of the AP (ap.meraki.com)?


If you want to DM your org URL I can take a look.


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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@PaulFranko what firewall are you using, is it trying to identify users and perhaps succeeding with laptops but not the mobile devices?  We have different SSIDs and VLANs for the two classes of device to avoid this issue when firewalls are trying to identify Windows users.

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Apologies for the delayed response.

The APs pick up a DHCP address on our internal network, so appear on the PC/Users subnet.

There is a default route on the network that points to the firewalls. When looking at the firewalls logs I can see Wi-Fi user traffic is hidden behind the AP IP address, so Wi-Fi traffic passing through the firewall is treated the the same as any PC/user traffic. The firewalls are not concerned with user identity.


Under Wireless -> Access Control

Are any group policies assigned specifically for Android and iOS devices?

Comes here often

Hi. There are no policies set at all. It's currently set as 'Disabled: do not assign group policies automatically'. This is the same across all our sites.


I had a similar issue, and I had to enable 802.11w

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