Hello all, I currently have a production network with vpls between sites using cisco layer three routers. Internet ingress/egress is at the data center (on vpls node)
I have existing AP's and want to add all SSID tags to each - tagging to vl 5, 52, and 53
I am looking to route all vlan5 (tagged SSID) out the production network ( to the dc).
The new plan is to plug a local internet connection to the existing router, tag local AP SSID 52 and 53 and route out the local internet.
Looking for advise on where dhcp should come from - if on the router what the config should look like
- The port cfg where the internet is plugged into (i have static ip from isp)
- Th cfg port of the AP - believe to have this correct:
- interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,52,53
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
Keep in mind i want to use production network to only traverse traffic on vl 52 and 53 and hit the local internet (guest) connection
The meraki is setup in bride mode, and im tagging the SSIDs