New Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen 5 AMD laptops and wireless displays

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New Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen 5 AMD laptops and wireless displays

We recently purchased new Lenovo laptops, and after deployment, we found out they have a hard time connecting to our conference room displays. We use Microsoft wireless displays throughout the office and connect to different model displays, e.g., Sony, LG, and Samsung. Upon further investigation, this is what I have found


1. If the laptops are not connected to any WIFI in the building, they have no issues connecting/casting. This is also true if I disable the wireless connection completely.


2. If connected to our primary SSID (SERVPROD) 802.1x with custom radius most times users cannot connect. Once the unit is rebooted and the user logs back in, it connects most of the time. Now if I move to a different part of the building while on SERVPROD, I almost certainly can't connect to the new location. I thought perhaps it was due to the laptop moving through multiple AP's and having handoff issues. Again, if I reboot then the connection works.


3. Further testing proved that when I am using GUEST WIFI I have no issues no matter what room I'm in or how many times I jump from room to room. 4. Rebooting the laptop while on SERVPROD is only a temporary solution. It will fail to connect the next time the user moves to a different conference room.


So with these findings, I believe that the issue we're having is due to our wireless network combined with the new wireless card. We have been a primarily Dell shop and have never had issues like this with our Dells. Firmeware on the adapters are up to date. I've done factory resets on the adapters. Is there anything that can be tweaked with our SSIDs?

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Have you checked the manufacturer of the Lenovo WiFi chipset (Intel?) (not Lenovo) to see if there is an updated driver?


This is most likely to be a driver issue.

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