Meraki MR 18 Registered device error

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Meraki MR 18 Registered device error

I have 2 MR18 devices that my friend bought, I created the user code while testing them (b *******. I ******* @ and started my experiments.Then I deleted the organization name (previously I made it, I entered the system comfortably and checked the settings) but afterwards I could not add 2 devices to my new username even if I entered with another user name because the serial number of 2 MR devices still seems to be registered in the system.
I wrote my status on the MERAKI  support system, we entered the 3rd day, but still no result.
Actually, the simple thing to do is: when I create it with my old user code, they will delete the 2 serial numbers I have included in the system and I will introduce these devices to my new user code.
I would be very happy if you could help me with this.




5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I think only  meraki  support  can help with this.  Next time don't delete  anything  before succesfully  added  devices/licences  to your new network/org.

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The problem is this: yes I deleted the name of the organization, naturally my user name and other information was deleted. But why is there still 2 DEVICE information I introduced with my serial number? This is the problem?

Kind of a big deal

I don't think you can delete an org while there are still devices in the inventory... So the org is probably still there


See this excerpt from the docs:


Before an organization can be deleted, it must meet the following list of requirements:

  • Organizations can only be deleted by a full-access organization admin.
  • There can be no other users on the organization (under Organization > Configure > Administrators), other than the one organization admin.

Note: This includes disabling SAML authentication if it is enabled.

If you've lost access to the organization you'll have to go through helpdesk to get access to it again. You'll very likely need to provide proof that you actually own the hardware. That's why people who buy second hand hardware always need to verify that it was indeed unclaimed first. And it's also the reason why the dashboard complains when there's only one org admin in an organization. If anything happens to the email or the person, you can't get access to the org anymore (at least not without a longwindy process).

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

From what I've seen, it's also not possible to remove yourself as an admin of an organization, via Dashboard.

I'm unsure, however, if it's possible via API.


But as @BrechtSchamp correctly states, in order to delete an organization, you'll have to go through of the process of removing devices from networks, unclaim devices from inventory, deleting networks, removing all admins other than yourself _before_ you'll be able to delete an organization. Same goes for Dashboard as for API.

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Thank you for your information, I am sending the answer to me about the situation you mentioned. Unfortunately this is the situation?





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