Meraki API Events eventData Documentation (Roam-reason/connection type Events)

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Meraki API Events eventData Documentation (Roam-reason/connection type Events)

Hello, we are using the meraki api for checking the data about  connectivity events on the client, but we are getting some events with eventData with reason codes that we cant find any documentation about, for example there are events of the type roam-reason, which are quite useful but they are reaching with fields  on eventData like reason : 33 or 16, and we cant find what it means, as for another example on events with type connection and they have eventData fields like state which have plenty of numbers that we can find any documentation about it. is there anywhere where we can find documentation about it? on the official API documentation only says this :


Additional information relevant to the given event. Properties vary based on event type.



1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

It's highly likely they would be 802.11 association status codes which are part of the IEEE standard.

if you needed to absolutely confirm, you could correlate the reason code from API to what is logged in the AP's connection logs.


An excerpt of some of the reason codes can be found here: 802.11 Association Status, 802.11 Deauth Reason codes - Cisco Community

A full listing can be found in the IEEE doc here: 802.11-2020 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology--Telecommunications and Information Exchange ...

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