Find 802.11b clients? Or any client list with current data rate displayed?


Find 802.11b clients? Or any client list with current data rate displayed?

Hello!   I'd like to be able to find what speeds clients are operating at currently in a list format, so that I can hunt them down and make sure they are capable of faster speeds, then eliminate the lower rates from my SSID.   Is there a way to do that?   It would also be helpful in tracking down areas which need more AP coverage.   Stunningly, I can't even see a place where current data rate is displayed in a single client drill-down!





4 Replies 4
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From the clients page, there is the option to add a column called capabilities, then you can sort from there. . .


Thank you, I did miss the fact that it shows back to 2.4b or 2.4g, so that does help find the "legacy" clients.  I'd also love to see the current Tx rates, so that I can figure out if I can back out the lowest data rates from say, 6 Mbps to 12 or 18.  -Gary

Kind of a big deal

I adjust the minimum speed upwards to the point that 802.11b devices no longer connect and wait. Then they get told to upgrade.
Robin St.Clair | Principal, Caithness Analytics | @uberseehandel
Here to help

I was looking for the same thing and cannot locate the client's connected data rate. I don't know if this changed since your previous posts but its not there now. The "Capabilities" column only shows 2.4 or 5 GHz. In other words, it only displays the client's capabilities...not what they are actually connected at. Is there somewhere else this information can be seen?

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