Error code "30" taking people off the wi-fi


Error code "30" taking people off the wi-fi

Hi all!


I have been having issues with people getting booted off our Wi-Fi, I have looked into the logs and all I could see is Error Code "30" disassociation.


I have looked for a solution around the internet and tried different solutions such as switching 2.4 GHZ off and disabling 802.11ax.


We have multiple AP's but don't know how this could cause issues as this appeared suddenly. 


Has anyone encountered this error before? and is there a fix for it? 


Thank you again for taking time to help! 


Here are some of the error codes:

auth_mode='wpa2-psk' 11k='1' 11v='1' reassoc='1' error_code='30' radio='1' vap='0' channel='36' rssi='50

auth_mode='wpa2-psk' 11k='1' 11v='1' reassoc='1' error_code='30' radio='1' vap='0' channel='48' rssi='45'





1 Accepted Solution
Here to help

We got a lot of error_code='30' after updating from MR 28.7.1 to MR 29.4.1. The workaround for us was disabling 802.11w until Meraki deploys a firmware fix.

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4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

Take a look at this:

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Check Organisation/Firmware Upgrades, and see if there has been a recent firmware upgrade.  If so, you could consider clicking on the rollback button.

Here to help

We got a lot of error_code='30' after updating from MR 28.7.1 to MR 29.4.1. The workaround for us was disabling 802.11w until Meraki deploys a firmware fix.


Hello, i am having the same issue. Even after disabling 802.11w is still causing the same problem. Do you guys think that would be a good idea to rollback the APs? I opened a case but it is not helpfull. I would be more than happy to hear for your suggestion. Thanks! 

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