Access points lose connectivity to meraki dashboard
We have multiple meraki MR46 wireless access points that lose connectivity to the meraki dashboard, yet they do not lose internal switch connectivity and still service clients.
28.6 is a bit older and deprecated at this point. You should upgrade to the latest stable and then monitor if the issue still occurs. 28.7 and beyond specifically have fixes for AP to cloud connectivity.
We are planning to upgrade after the first of the year, as we are currently in a configuration freeze until after Christmas. I'm hoping that will fix the issue. Thanks
We have a Meraki MX250. We have additional APs not having this issue and all are running the same version of code. Was thinking possibly individual AP issue, but they do not lose physical network connectivity and continue to serve clients. They just lose connectivity to the Meraki dashboard, which reports them as down. Thanks
We had this issue for a while. Strangely enough the fix was to start clearing the ARP and MAC address tables in our core switches (End of life Nexus 3K).
We experienced this same issue (there are a couple other threads for this exact issue) and the upgrade to 28.7 fixed it for us. It is a known issue with the 28.6.