802.11r FastRoaming capable clients not reporting correctly?

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802.11r FastRoaming capable clients not reporting correctly?

I've set up av new SSID with WPA2 enterprise (radius) and 802.11r enabled and clients consist of a mixture of iOS and Windows devices. The strange thing is that ONLY iOS devices are reported 802.11r capable in dashboard, not the Windows client?!

I also see successfully 802.11r roamings on iOS devices in the event log.

The windows clients are fairly new and I checked 11r compatibility with Intel.

According to MS this should be default enabled on the OS level (as long as you run 802.1x) and I can't find any related settings on the wifi adapter advanced settings.


Has anyone successfully got this working and reporting correctly in dashboard on Windows clients at all?


1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee


This is from my dashboard:


Epson Printer






If it is just a matter of the client reporting their capabilities to the dashboard, that could 100% be due to the Cisco Meraki/Apple partnership, which includes things like Fastlane(+), allows us to get more information from the device drivers than we do with other devices, as seen above.

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