Hey gang - We are considering replacing a Cisco 4331 router with an MS-250 switch setup to run L3 switching and OSPF. Our VPLS setup currently runs an IOS router at each remote site as well as here at our data center. The VPLS endpoints all use 172.16.50.x/24, and all of the routers are running OSPF in backbone area 0.
In order to put the L3 switch in place, I need to configure an SVI and assign a VLAN number. My question is this: Will the remote sites give a a flying fig about what the VLAN # is since the interconnection between sites runs at L3 with OSPF and not VLANs (our circuits strip VLAN tags anyway)? In other words, will the VLAN # assigned to the SVI on the switch here at the data center simply be a local construct that only the local switch cares about? It would seem to me that as long as and, etc, are reachable over the VPLS via OSPF, then the local VLAN number associated with the SVI should not matter to the remote sites.
Is my assumption correct?