Hi @JeffA and welcome to the Meraki Community. No worries about us being gentle with noobs, this is one of the friendliest forums I've ever experienced (of the maybe dozen or so I've used over the years).
Anyway, paperclip the reset button for 15 seconds and let go after the power LED goes out. If the switch is powered up and running, you should be able to connect a wired device into a switch port and open a browser and go to switch.meraki.com or my.meraki.com and see the local status page.
If not, it's likely because the switch was previously in another Dashboard network where they explicitly disabled local status pages. But you still may be able to access it via the local IP, so look at your interface config on the wired device/laptop you connected, and put your default gateway address into the browser and try that. It's typically so if you're not getting an address on the wired device, set it to or and then go to in the browser.
Here are the two relevant support docs:
Now... there's a whole other conversation we might need to have. If the switch was just left over from a business that shut down, you still may not be able to "take ownership" or use the switch unless you first get added to their Dashboard Organization as an administrator with full access. You also won't have a license for the switch in your own Dashboard Organization, the license is required with a Meraki solution, HW and License are 1:1 and the license is required to manage the switch from Dashboard. If the switch is still "claimed" into the Dashboard Org of the business that shut down, you won't be able to claim it into your own Org unless it is first unclaimed from the old Org.
If you are (or can become) a full admin in both their old Dashboard Org (which they will have to do for you) and your own new Dashboard Org that you set up, and if they were using the per-device-licensing model, then you should have the flexibility to move licenses between Orgs. If not, you can call into Meraki Support to examine the two Orgs and inform you what may (or may not) be possible. Or PM me for more details.