Details License

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Details License





I have a question, in the KEY that is marked in red, it says in the Devices column (9 MS320-24P) and Term License (30 days) but if that were the case, I should ask to request a license for those devices and until today He has not asked for a license.


Then when I select that KEY and see the details (second red box), it shows me (MS320, MS410 and Access Point).


Why do you show me more equipment and in the column devices not ???

Why do you show me expiration date jan 06 202 and in the License term column only 30 days ????

How can I know the license term of each team one by one ???

detail license.png

8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Meraki uses licenc co-termination.  Here is a simple break down of the system:

Here is a detailed complex break down:


So there is not a licence termination date for any specific device or licence.  You can also have the case where you can have more licences than devices.

I'm not sure how you got any licences less than 1 year.  Perhaps you had something complex happen with an Org split, a licence transfer from another org, or perhaps some kind of special Meraki trial.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@PhilipDAthI do believe if you have a higher license limit than actual devices in your network you're losing co-termination time because you spread your licenses of devices you don't have.

And the dangerous thing with license renewals is that you have make sure ALL your devices are in that one license renewal key or you lose those devices.

Building a reputation



How can I know the actual termination date of my MS320 devices? When selecting the KEY in the second box, MS320 appears and says 2023.

This is the license termination date for those teams or is 30 days as Term License says ???

That confuses me.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

You only have one licence termination date for all your devices.


It is the date displayde at the top of the licencing page.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Still, for some administrative work you can have problems with licenses of individual devices being ended.

You can only see when you added a certain device license for a certain period.


We had a case once where an org merged and wanted to move devices from their org, to the main org so they could use autoVPN instead of non-Meraki VPN.


The co-termination was still 3 years in the future but their core switches had expired licenses, so when moving the devices to the other org, the switches were no longer covered because their license could not be transferred, even not from support.


So the customer had to buy new licenses for those switches.

Building a reputation


ok, I opened a case with the TAC to give me details because the MS320 license was only valid Trial until December 2018 and until today on the dahsboard has not shown me renew license for those teams
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Yeah, the co-termination has it's ups and downs.


For instance removing a device and license from an org does not return it's value to the license co-termination pool.

Renewals have to have all devices in it or it removes other devices.. very strange way of working.


I'd rather have the individual licenses per device so you can retire a device by not renewing it but renewing other stuff.

Here to help

@nst1 Anything to do with Meraki's Trial Licenses has shown to be a major pain in my experience. Trials don't work the same as regular revenue licensing in many different ways. And if you're on a trial order of devices that you have to separately license with revenue per-device licensing it gets really fun! lol...

Tanner Johnson, ITILv4, ECMS1
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