RTSP url

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RTSP url


I am using Cisco Meraki MV21 camera. I want to use camera RTSP URL to analyze footage with third-party software. Can anyone help me with Cisco Meraki MV21 RTSP URL, please?

4 Replies 4
Head in the Cloud

@Rana wrote:


I am using Cisco Meraki MV21 camera. I want to use camera RTSP URL to analyze footage with third-party software. Can anyone help me with Cisco Meraki MV21 RTSP URL, please?

MV series doesn't support RTSP. You can export the footage, but that's about it.

BHC Resorts IT Department
New here

What series support RTSP, please?


Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @Rana you won't be able to do that on any model of MV, everything is encrypted anyway, video is encrypted at rest on the camera, encrypted while streaming to Dashboard, and encrypted control plane traffic as well.  If you're referring to direct streaming off camera to external storage or monitoring, that is a feature not yet available on the MV, but do talk with your Meraki or Meraki Partner reps to share you use case so the product team can prioritize future feature development.

Head in the Cloud

@Rana wrote:

What series support RTSP, please?


The MV is the only Meraki camera line. It does not support RTSP. See here for more info: https://documentation.meraki.com/MV/Other_Topics/MV_Security_Camera_FAQ


BHC Resorts IT Department
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