In a perfect world, video investigations are easy. You know approximately when and where something happened, and it all happened in one spot. So you can simply go to that camera in the Vision portal, use Motion Search, select the area of interest and the approximate time, and you’re done. (Ok, I know. In a perfect world, there wouldn’t be a need for video investigations, but stay with me here!)
Unfortunately, such a utopia does not exist. So we’re left to search across multiple cameras individually to track down answers and piece together an event. Not ideal, but fortunately, there’s a better way! We have a newly released feature available in the Early Access Program that allows you to search across multiple cameras at one time, Event Search. Event Search allows you to find and track an individual involved in an incident, or a vehicle involved in an accident, across cameras in your network.
With Event Search, you can dynamically select up to 4 cameras from a network to search at one time. Users can select a unique region of interest for each camera, and define search parameters for time as well as event length, and filter for events with people or vehicles. Just as with regular Motion Search, results will be displayed as Motion Recap images and users can scroll through results to find events of interest. Selecting an individual result allows you to go into detail, watching the video clip, exporting it, or downloading the Motion Recap image. If searching multiple days (up to 3 is possible), users can use the drop down at the top to load results for the next day.

To learn more about Event Search, and get started using it, check out the documentation article. Have you already used Event Search on your cameras? If so, please let us know what you think. Your feedback helps us make the Vision portal even better!