You have a number of options here, all around using the RTSP feature and having a dedicated screen.
The cheapest option is to use a raspberry pi running VLC on boot. VLC connects to the camera to get the RTSP feed and displays it on the monitor via its HDMI port.
The next cheapest option is an Axis Decoder T8705.
It's a little black block that does the same as the Raspberry Pi. Maybe triple the price, but you just plug it in. Connect screen via HDMI. Has a web interface to setup. Set and forget easy. Supports multiple cameras. A nice solution all around.
After that, you could probably use VLC on a little Windows box. Same as the Raspberry Pi solution, but needs something that runs Windows. I would use an i5 or better.
If you can, I would try and get a 1440p monitor. Especially if you are using an MV72X. Note that the Axis 8705 can only do 1080p (not that 1080p is bad ...), so if you are using a 1440p camera like the MV72X you'll actually have to turn the quality down to 1080p to make it work.