Meraki MT Sensors integration with Cisco Spaces

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Meraki MT Sensors integration with Cisco Spaces

Hi Team, i have Cisco Meraki integrate with Cisco Spaces. In Cisco Spaces i already can see MV22x Cameras and MR33 AP but i cant see any MT Sensors. In Meraki i can see my MT10,MT14 and MT20. I see that my MT 10 is connected to MV22X as BLE gateway and MT14 and MT20 are connected to MR33 as gateway BLE.

I think i have to configure Cisco Spaces as MQTT broker for CIsco Meraki. I did it but i think im not sending any MQTT packet from my MR33. What can be wrong with MQTT configuration? Does anyone have this scenario?

Best Regards

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal

Maybe it can help you.


But, I suggest you open a support case.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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