Security and SD-WAN Fundamental Operations

Training overview

In our Security and SD-WAN Fundamental Operations course, you'll learn how to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot security and SD-WAN deployments.

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What's included

Enroll in every module, or take the ones that are most relevant to you.

  • Module 1: Troubleshooting Security Appliance Connections (25 min)
  • Module 2: Capturing Packets on a Security Appliance (35 min)
  • Module 3: Troubleshooting Content Filtering (15 min)

What you'll learn

The modules in this course will enable you to:

  • Inspect the connection health of the security and SD-WAN appliances in a dashboard organization
  • Run and analyze the results of a packet capture on a security and SD-WAN appliance
  • Troubleshoot content filtering on a security and SD-WAN appliance

Who should take part?

Anyone with a basic knowledge of networking and routing who wants to learn how to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot Meraki-managed security appliances in a network

Program summary

Learn at your own pace in this introductory security and SD-WAN operations training, available in our online learning platform.

  • For Meraki-managed security and SD-WAN administrators
  • Beginner to intermediate level
  • Self-paced eLearning format
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
  • FREE
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