VPN Site to site error


VPN Site to site error


We have a Z1 and we try  connect like a spoke with our hub we get this error :

There were errors in saving this configuration:

  • child_sa_lifetime must be an integer

How can fix this issue?

many thanks



3 Replies 3
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Raise a case with Meraki Support

Kind of a big deal

@Jitsupport wrote:


We have a Z1 and we try  connect like a spoke with our hub we get this error :

There were errors in saving this configuration:

  • child_sa_lifetime must be an integer

How can fix this issue?

many thanks


If you are talking about auto VPN I suggest you open a support case.


I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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I already got resolve it , I upgraded of the Z1 firmware after that works again vpn site to site

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