Upgrading MX84 from 14.53

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Upgrading MX84 from 14.53


I am about to upgrade a couple of MX84 to 15.42.1. But I can se following regression.
What exactly does this mean? Will I not be able to access local settings through cable?

  • Due to an MX 15 regression, the management port on MX84 appliances does not provide access to the local status page.
3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal

I means if you plug a cable into the management port you won’t be able to access the local status page. You’ll have to either access it locally by connecting to a LAN port and browsing to mx.meraki.com, or if you’ve enabled remote access then you can browse to it from anywhere by IP address. (This is the same as the desktop MX devices that don’t have a dedicated management port).

Getting noticed

So I can still access the settings through ethernet cable connected directly to the LAN/WAN port? 

Kind of a big deal

Yes, you’ll still be able to access the local settings page by IP address through a LAN port. This document provides more details on accessing the local status page, https://documentation.meraki.com/General_Administration/Tools_and_Troubleshooting/Using_the_Cisco_Me... 

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