Setup preventing youtube on Layer7

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Setup preventing youtube on Layer7

Hello, I have a case that I would like to block end users to use YouTube.

I have setup on group policies on layer 7 firewall "Deny Video & Music all video & music". However, It only works with Edge and doesn't work with Chrome.

Please help me.





2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

It's possible that Chrome is using the QUIC protocol and isn't being picked up by L7 FW rules.
You might need to block QUIC (UDP port 80 and 443) with an L3 firewall rule.
Or you could look at blocking the FQDN's.

A thread that had some additional information here:

blocking Youtube completely - The Meraki Community

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Try creating a layer 3 firewall to block traffic to

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