Setting up Virtual IPs on DHCP from ISP modems

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Setting up Virtual IPs on DHCP from ISP modems



I have two ISPs  on my MX64 Internet connections. Each ISP assigns DHCP IP address on my MX.


Can I put any arbitrary IP address on the Virtual IP and it will work?

VIP on DHCP ISPs.jpg

6 Replies 6
Kind of a big deal

No. You need these to all be statics to work correctly. If your provider is giving you dynamics then you won't be able to set up a VIP on the WAN.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@jdsilva wrote:

No. You need these to all be statics to work correctly. If your provider is giving you dynamics then you won't be able to set up a VIP on the WAN.

Besides what jdsilva suggests, the vIP also need to be a valid IP on the same scope. 


Other than this, it doesn't really make any sense to configure a virtual IP address, if you do not have a Warm Spare, setup.

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Yea, if you have both circuits going into a single MX, and not a Warm-Spare setup, then there really isn't any point.
Nolan Herring |
Building a reputation

Actually I have my lab configured with HA. I was able to add the VIP but don't know what it adds on my recovery time.


I will test the fail-over time with and without the VIP and post the  result here.

It will allow for seamless fail over, so if you have active flows for say wifi calling or live video streaming like skype etc., then they won't have to reconnect their sessions (which would cause a drop). If you don't use vIP then you will always have drops when fail over occurs.
Nolan Herring |

Additionally, from what I read, if you have a VPN to your MX (Client or Site-to-Site), you won't have to reinitialize the the VPN tunnel. Credentials are shared between the MX'es, so if one looses connectivity, you don't have to wait for the VPN tunnel.
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