Secondary WAN IP address at the same interface

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Secondary WAN IP address at the same interface

To all experts,


I checking too see meraki MX is able to support the function of configure a secondary IP on the wan interfaces.
We have 1 static IP and 7 secondary ip address.
Cisco router is able to do so by 
int gi0/1
ip address 
ip address secondary


I do see documentation on WAN IP configuration but could not find one documents on the secondary IP address configure.


4 Replies 4
Head in the Cloud

not as a direct IP as far as I know, but you can do 1:1 or 1:Many NAT with different IP Addresses on the WAN Interface:

@Greenberet  thanks for the reply.
so on the 1:1 NAT I key my secondary IP address  ?

exactly, and then you specify the internal ip of the destination machine.

@Greenberet how about using secondary ip as public IP for certain traffic?

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