Hello, I´m testing a SD-WAN network with a customer, the scenario is:
HQ: MX84 as VPN Concentrator one-armed (behind a Fw)
Branch1: MX64 with 2 Internet connections (behind a Fw)
Branch2: MX64 with 2 Internet connections
Full Mesh required.
I configured the auto-VPN for the devices, and it started to work fine, HQ has 2 tunnels to each branch, but when I see the connection between the branches, I expected to see 4 tunnels, but there is only working 2, the Branch2 Wan1 are not establishing the VPN tunnels to Branch 1 Wan1 and Wan2:

I though it could be a problem with the Internet 1, but it is working well, and as I say before, the tunnels to the HQ are working, Wan1 and Wan2 from my branch device:

A summary of the VPN Tunnels status:
HQ - Branch1 Wan1 : OK
HQ - Branch1 Wan2 : OK
HQ - Branch2 Wan1 : OK
HQ - Branch12Wan2 : OK
Branch1 Wan1 - Branch 2 Wan 1: Fail
Branch1 Wan1 - Branch 2 Wan 2: Ok
Branch1 Wan2 - Branch 2 Wan 1: Fail
Branch1 Wan2 - Branch 2 Wan 2: Ok
Can somebody give me an advise what could be the reason? or how to troubleshooting it?
Thanks in advance!