Organization-wide settings for multiple Meraki MX devices L2L VPN to FTD Headend


Organization-wide settings for multiple Meraki MX devices L2L VPN to FTD Headend

We are testing the Meraki MX68s to replace our aging remote ASA FWs and ISR2 routers. We have about 2 dozen remote sites that current have a L2L VPN  to a FTD pair at our DC.


How do people configure the Organization-wide settings on the Meraki Dashboard? Do you configure one non-meraki peer and then on the FTDs make sure every remote vpn is using the same crypto policy (including PSK)? Or do you tag the networks for each meraki and make one non-meraki vpn peer per site?



1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

With 20+ sites I would always put an additional MX-Pair as a concentrator into the DC and use AutoVPN. It will make everything so much easier.

Otherwise, I would go with the "one peer" approach. Although using wildcard PSK is not a best practice, the main problem with them is the logistics problem when the PSK is compromized. But this is not the case with the cloud based config where the PSK can be easily changed for many devices simultaneously.

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