I found another thread with a similar topic about MX-84s connecting to Nexus VPCs.
I am looking to deploy 2x MX-100s in One Armed Concentrator HA mode for VPN terminations. I did this in one of our data centers where our core is not using VPC and was able to get it up and running rather quickly. However, in our other data center, the entire core is Nexus VPC. Below is a basic diagram.

My understanding is that in One Armed Concentrator mode, the Internet 1 interface is the only one used. It is used for Ingress and Egress traffic as well as the HA heartbeat.
Nexus switches have a Peer Link between them. That is used for control plane messages and does not forward traffic.
My concern here is that the HA heartbeat will not be seen. The other switches connected to this VPC core are also Nexus and also in VPC mode.
The HA heartbeat from the secondary MX100 would have to traverse the switch that it is connected to, down to another switch that has a VPC port channel with both of these cores, then come back up the other nexus switch in order to see the primary HA MX 100.
I have asked Meraki Support and my Sales Team if this is even possible. The reply is that this may not be a supported topology.
As a work around, I have thought about not deploying both MX-100s in HA, but rather as 2 separate VPN hubs. I would not use the VIP. On the spokes I would define both hubs. I am sure that this would work, but it is not what I consider ideal give the time to transition between hubs if there is a failure.
Has anyone deployed One Armed Concentrators in HA mode connected to Nexus switches running VPC?