The clock signal issue is, in a nut shell, that the CPU stops providing clocking. So the device simply stops. It doesn't reboot. But at least that issue has been ruled out.
I am most suspicious about this being a software bug. I am most suspicious of this because you didn't have issues before hand you have replaced the hardware, and you have other hardware plugged into the same power distribution system that is not experiencing any issues.
Not the news you want to hear - but I think you are going to be stuck until a newer firmware comes out.
In the meantime, there is about one chance in a million this is an environmental issue. I have had this type of issue only happen once in 20 years - where the power supply was the actual issue. Factors that than can cause some devices to be affected include the UPS not being able to maintain a 50 hertz signal under load, harmonics caused by switch mode power supplies, a phase shift between the outputs of different UPSs (or the same UPS if it has a three phase output), a bad power factor (say 0.8 or less), or even just a simple grounding issue (is the voltage between the rack and ground actually 0v - or is there some leakage and it is a value above 0v?). Alas to diagnose most of these you need someone with some decent electrical testing kit and an above average sparky or an electrical engineer.
UPS style issues are more likely to happen on offline or line interactive UPSs. Double online interactive style UPSs tend to have the least trouble. Do you know which style of UPS you have?
Once again, I think it is highly improbable, but some tests you could try are:
* Try bypassing the UPS for one of the MX84's, and plug it directly into the mains for say 48 hours. Does the behaviour change?
* Test the MX84's in isolation. Break the HA pair. Take one the MX84's to a completely different power supply (ideally a different site) and try running it just sitting there for a couple of days. This will put you into licence violation mode for a while - that is fine. If the device still reboots at a different site it has to be the device.
* If you are lucky enough to have access to a 12VDC car battery and an inverter, try powering one of the devices from that for 48 hours and see if the reboot still happens.
But like I say. I think you are probably facing a software bug.