Ran across a few threads regarding active-active while troubleshooting an intermittent problem with voice. Here's my setup. I have a MX450 hub in the DC and MX84 at the remote side(only one hub configured in site-to-site) . WAN1 is a 100/100 broadband connection and WAN2 is a Cradlepoint using 4G getting about 20M down and 10m up, with lots of jitter and latency compared to the BB connection.
Based on my config below I would expect the WAN2 vpn tunnel to have no internal LAN traffic even though I have active-active enabled.
- load balancing = disabled
- active-active = enabled
- no flow preference or preference policies.
What I am seeing is when I packet capture and select "site-site VPN over Internet2", I some (not all) of my devices making connection to internal hosts using Inet2 VPN (which I thought should be dormant). Now granted this is NOT a lot of packets but might be just enough to help me suggest that some of my voice packets are getting lost b/c they are traversing the secondary link with the slower 4G speeds and getting packets out of order on the handset.
Now I know you will probably tell me to disable active-active and I have but I wanted to first see if anybody else has run into voice or application issues b/c of this type of situation where you have a fast connection on wan1 and a much slower connection on wan2. Also just curious to know if having active-active enabled with load balancing disabled is/was a known issue i that it still passes SOME traffic and was resolved in later versions. Currently seeing this behavior on version 14.39 & 14.40