MX64 blocks IMAP

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MX64 blocks IMAP



After few MX events (SMTP_RESPONSE_OVERFLOW) few of our clients (i.e. 5-6 from 30) cannot sync with their email.

We are using IMAP protocol and i have whitelist our email servers.

POP3 email protocol seems to be working.

Outlook keeps sync but without downloading any email.

Clients can send emails.




2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal


Security & SD-WAN/Threat Protection/Intrusion detection and prevention/Whitelisted rules

Click on "Whitelist IDS" rule, and from the drop down box select the SMTP options.


Already done that, not helped.

Client's Outlook keeps sync without downloading any emails.

Also i checked the usage per client and i notice for example, for a mailbox size of 500MB, client downloaded almost 3GB of data.

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