Yes. Individual establishes a VPN connection to MX64W via ConnectVPN (L2TP) or Windows native VPN as described in the Meraki Client VPN OS Configuration document (which works well). The troubles appear when an individual tries to connect to the AWS instance. An example: 2 days ago I was able to ssh into hosts in the subnet without any issues however my colleague could not. I enabled ICMP in the inbound Security Group originating from our internal address range and was able to ping the hosts however she was not. Later that day, my connectivity dropped and has been down for the past two days. I can usually clear things up by resetting / swapping the tunnel connection from one AWS ip to the secondary but this is cumbersome.
To summarized remote user initiates vpn -> Meraki MX64. Desired behavior is that user can access hosts in AWS via the site to site tunnel established between MX64W which is defined as the AWS customer gateway connecting to the AWS virtual private gateway.
Hope that helps.