I'm currently working on setting up an MX device as a hub and I think that I need some assistance with some potentially basic questions but I'm getting stuck. Here is a quick overview of the current setup:
Under Routing I've configured the following:
Under Site to Site VPN:
I've set up one of my networks to point to this hub. I've found that devices on that network are not able to communicate with the subnet for some reason.
I'm currently a bit confused about what the port configuration needs to be for the nexus port that im connected into and if I need to do anything with the vlan that I had configured. I was trying to follow guides online on how to properly set this up, but I can't seem to locate anything that gets me any further. The IP listed under "Next hop IP" was just the IP listed under this guide.
I wasn't too sure if I needed to assign that IP to the interface on the nexus that i'm connected into or what.
I'm just a total mess here and I don't have anyone in my organization who is able to guide me.
Is there anyone who would be able to provide any more insight into what I need to actually do here?
Have you created a route in your nexus switch?
And yes you need to create a transit VLAN between the MX and Nexus.
Thank you so very much for your response! I've created the VLAN and assigned the IP, but it still doesn't seem to be working:
# sh run int vlan700
!Command: show running-config interface Vlan700
!Time: Thu Jun 6 07:46:13 2024
version 7.3(8)N1(1)
interface Vlan700
no shutdown
no ip redirects
ip address
no ipv6 redirects
Port configuration:
# sh run int eth105/1/38
!Command: show running-config interface Ethernet105/1/38
!Time: Thu Jun 6 07:48:28 2024
version 7.3(8)N1(1)
interface Ethernet105/1/38
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 700
add your VLAN 700 as native VLAN on both MX and Nexus.
Additional of the recommendations from @alemabrahao. I would enable VLAN 700 in the VPN, it is need it since is a transit VLAN for your VPN tunnel connection.