MX BGP session no longer established

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MX BGP session no longer established

Hi all, 


I''m having a BGP issue for a couple of sites. Every morning we have to reboot the MX devices and checking the logs I can see the BPG hold timer expired.


Unsure how to check the cause of this issue or more information about it.


Any suggestions? Thanks


Jul 19 07:49:30 BGP BGP session no longer established peer_ip: x.x.x.x, local_as: xxxx, remote_as: xxxx, new_state: Close

Jul 19 07:49:30 BGP BGP received notification peer_ip: x.x.x.x , local_as: xxxx, remote_as: xxxx  
error_code 4 
error_subcode 0 
desc Hold timer expired

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Take a look at the hold timers for each device, along with the documentation on how the timers are negotiated.

Meraki information can be found here:


A few things to think about:

 - Is it happening regularly at a specific/predictable time?

 - Is it only specific sites or random?


Beyond that, I'd suggest engaging support from both vendors to review additional logging.

Thanks for your response, Brash.

Yes, it is happening every morning. Also, the same template is applied for more than 100 sites and just a couple of sites are experiencing the same issue.

I'm a bit resistant to changing the timers, causing issues for those sites that are working fine.




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