Has anyone got IPv6 to work on the MX series using Spectrum (legacy Charter) Enterprise? Set is as follows:
- Spectrum assigns /127. First IP is gateway, second IP is "IP Address" in WAN setup
- Spectrum assigns /48 to be routed. Created /48 as assigned by Spectrum in IPv6 prefixes tab. Assigned it to WAN 1 as origin.
- Assigned test VLAN /64.
The MX shows that it is connected on the IP assigned in step 1. Devices in test VLAN get appropriate /64 setup. However, no IPv6 traffic will route. /127 gateway pings externally, but the next number assigned (the MX) does not. Spectrum support states that their edge equipment is not receiving a router advertisement from the MX.
At first, they also said it wasn't passing the IPv6 link local traffic, but both my and their pcaps showed otherwise. Now it's the RA they say is not being passed.
I'm annoyed to the point where I may just grab a generic small router and temporarily hook it up to see if is on Charter's side or our side. Anyone else ran in to this issue?
BHC Resorts IT Department