How to configure Management IP on Meraki Boxes to get them under monitor in our existing NMS tool.

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How to configure Management IP on Meraki Boxes to get them under monitor in our existing NMS tool.

We have multiple AP in our network which we need to monitor with our current Network Monitoring system.I have broadband connection through which all my AP are working, what is the way I can configure Management IP on all this AP so that they can be discover in my Monitoring system.

9 Replies 9
Kind of a big deal

Check here to set static IP addresses:


Regarding SNMP, you can query the dashboard for certain things:



But you can also query devices themselves for certain things.


More info here:

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Dear Brecht,


Thanks for the info but I am looking to configure a management IP which I can advertise into my private network through WAN.A Private IP through which I can configure AP and get it monitored in my network.


I am not getting IP edit option on my access point also, snap for ref.


SNMP part I understand but main challenge IP which IP I should configure to get device in our NMS.dhcp_mearki_ap.JPG

Kind of a big deal

So no pencil icon appears next to LAN IP? Is it possible you have read-only access to that network?

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Yes, I was having read access, now I got that icon.


But still my concern is how I will get this device in my network.


AP is connected via WAN DHCP let if i configure Private IP to this /device HOW I will route this IP into my private networkbaker_top.JPG


The above is my netwirk where I have MX MS and then I can get AP in monitoring

Kind of a big deal

Where is your monitoring system, what is it, and what kind of access does it need?

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My nms is in company local network which has reachability to wan ip...but my concern is how to get ap whicch has local lan ip to get in my nms

Kind of a big deal

So your NMS is in the same site, but the Meraki network you drew is separate from your normal network. And the NMS only has access to the MX's WAN IP? Is that correct?

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yes, now u got me.


Also some of AP are directly connected to internet modem.

Kind of a big deal

I see. Well I still don't know what interfaces your monitoring system needs access to, but I assume it's SNMP polling and traps.


As I mentioned before, part of the information is available by polling (querying) the dashboard:


So for that part it doesn't matter where your access points are, you monitoring system will be querying the Meraki cloud.


For polling the other MIBs, your monitoring system needs access to the actual LAN IP addresses of the equipment you want to monitor. This is the case for all vendors. This access could be through routing, VPN tunnels, 1-to-1 NAT, portforwarding, some kind of SNMP proxy, ...


For traps it's the other way around, your devices need access to the LAN IP of the NMS. That access could be provided in a similar way.

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