Firewall Failover without HA


Firewall Failover without HA

Hi All,


Having discovered (with your help) that OSPF on the MX95 only advertises VPN routes, I am looking at other options for site firewall resilience in case one or the other should fail. I believe it is the only single point of failure left in the network and could be fixed by adding a 2nd MX95 at each site and running 'warm spare' mode.


Have I missed anything? is there a way to create a policy to track an upstream IP address and change route 'weight' is the upstream device goes offline or any other way to achieve this? currently each site has a static default route pointing to the local MX95, but no mechanism to route via the 2 x 10G links between the cores.


many thanks in advance for any pointers,


John L.



Firewall Resilience v02.jpg

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal

Yes, the redundancy between the MXs is via Warm Spare.


If you are talking about SD-WAN specifically, you can create SD-WAN Policies to forward traffic to a specific WAN link.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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