Continus alarm IP conflict Apple

Getting noticed

Continus alarm IP conflict Apple



Since a couple week back there have been multiply alarms a day regarding IP conflicts.

The device causing this is Apple Phones. Could it have to do with the new iOS 14 MAC address function? 

What to do? I don´t want to turn of the alarm. Meraki working on a fix for this? The alarm should automatically be ignored by the system if it´s not a error.  


To reduce this privacy risk, iOS 14, iPadOS 14, and watchOS 7 include a feature that periodically changes the MAC address your device uses with each Wi-Fi network. This randomized MAC address is your device's private Wi-Fi address for that network—until the next time it joins with a different address.

3 Replies 3
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

This is indeed almost certainly caused by iOS 14.

I'd start by having a read here:


Note the reference that under certain circumstances, iOS 14 is sending a malformed ARP response that carries the HW MAC address instead of the Randomized MAC address it should instead be using.


Basically you're asking that the networking system, which didn't cause the problem, guesses what is causing two different clients to claim the same IP address.


You could consider managing iOS clients with Systems Manager, which allows wireless profiles to be configured to turn off the randomization behaviour, but I realise this in unrealistic in many use cases.


Getting noticed



But Managed iOS devices don´t solve the problem if there is requiring customers accessing through guest Wi-Fi.

I don't want to turn of the alarm. Why can´t Meraki just make an update to exclude alarms based on MAC + Apple iOS 14 + randomization behaviour?

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@Banfield75 once Apple fix their iOS14 code then the alarms should hopefully cease, or at least significantly reduce.

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