Client VPN and Bonjour Forwarding?

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Client VPN and Bonjour Forwarding?

Good Evening Everyone,


I have a quick question. Does anyone know if there will be support for Bonjour forwarding across the Client VPN. I have a customer who wants to be able to connect via the Client VPN and AirPrint to his printer. The only way I have found so far is internal only and maybe using OpenDNS which I really do not want to do.


Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks! Corey

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Does the printer not support direct unicast mode, such as HP JetDirect?

Here to help

I am a Meraki Customer as well and need Bonjour forwarding across the Client VPN and local subnets too. Without it, we are not able to utilize many applications that rely on Bonjour forwarding. Meraki simply needs to add Client VPN subnets in dropdown of Bonjour forwarding firewall rule option, instead of just local subnets in the dropdown.

If only it was that simple.  To make this work you would need to support multicast over VPN - which I don't think is possible.  This would also require Microsoft to update the clients in everyone one of their OS's, and every device manufacturer to also do this.


This is outside of the control of Meraki.

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