It has been almost a year since the last stable MX firmware update was released, MX 12.24, released Dec 22, 2016.
Do we really consider a Meraki firewall to be 'secure' when it is updated this infrequently?
Nobody with any sense is going to put a beta release into production if this is what Meraki is expecting its customers to do.
Separately Meraki firewalls, out of all the hardware they do, are probably the devices most lacking in functionality. You would have thought that they'd prioritise development for them a bit more than they are.
I don't think Meraki uses the "beta" term in the traditional sense anymore. It's more like "early access". I compare this to Gmail in the past which was in "perpetual beta" and showed as such on the logo. People complained for years about this so they removed the beta note but still develop it in the same fashion.
I don't buy that at all.
I feel the same way. When I talk to support they told me the release candidate is basically a stable release but we have a practice of only implementing the stable releases so I feel like we are pretty behind on the latest potential security releases.
This is the firmware release process:
This is the bit you would be interested in:
A stable release candidate matures into a stable version over time as it is slowly rolled out to devices globally. After 20%+ of devices are running the stable release candidate, a final formal review is conducted on the firmware. Again the same KPIs are analyzed as used in the stable release candidate review. Upon completion of these processes the firmware can be promoted to "Stable". After promotion, stable versions can be applied by any customer via the firmware upgrade tool on dashboard. The latest stable version is also the version that is used for all newly created dashboard networks for a particular device.
I'm not saying I agree, so don't shoot the messenger, but that is the process.
This article is very helpful
Here is yet another thread discussing this very issue:
Can we have a statement from Meraki please?
When can we expected a new stable firmware release for the MX series?
Almost a year between releases is utterly ridiculous.
@Squuiid There is a stable release candidate available right now.
So, basically the current stable release does not include the following security fixes.
How is this product even considered a viable firewall?!
The practice of not updating your stable branch with security updates for almost a year is ludicrous.
Security fixes:
So, basically the current stable release does not include any of the 176 CVE security fixes from the release candidate.
How is this product even considered a viable firewall?!
The practice of not updating your stable branch with security updates for almost a year is ludicrous.
Where is the meraki reply to this? The current products are vulnerable. An explanation is required.
Not formally announced but looks like we have a 12.26 now.
OK 12.26 is out now and we update our Network at last weekend. With the new release reboot the MX100 2 times a day. I think we switch back to 12.24 and hope the best for further releases.
I've done 12.26 on two of our MX100's and no reboot issue so far (been a few days).
Hello, it looks like the reboots are related to connection attempts of the client VPN. Do you use Client VPN?
We don't but that is certainly interesting to know and I'm sure other members here could benefit from that fact.